Smart Implantable Neurostimulation (SINs)
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Vanaf 2005 tot 2008 hebben Eddy van der velden en Dirk de Ridder naar mogelijkheden gezocht om die wetenschappers bij elkaar te krijgen die onze visie delen wat betreft het verbeteren van de huidige generatie neurostimulators en, misschien nog wel belangrijker, de technici die ze kunnen ontwerpen en bouwen. In 2008 kwamen Eddy van der Velden en Dirk de Ridder in contact met Wouter Serdijn (Prof. dr. ir. W.A. Serdijn) van de Technische Universiteit Delft en werd door ons de groep ‘Smart Implantable Neurostimulation’ (Slimme Implanteerbare Neurostimulatie, SINs) opgericht.
Aan deze groep nemen inmiddels de volgende bedrijven / universiteiten en medewerkers deel:
Leden SINs groep
● Brain Research consortium for Advanced, International, Innovative & Interdisciplinary Neuromodulation ( BRAI3N),
Belgium, The Netherlands, Ireland, New Zealand, South Korea.
Prof. dr. Dirk de Ridder, Prof. dr. Sven Vanneste, associate. Prof. Eddy van der Velden
● Prof. dr. Dirk de Ridder, Neurological Foundation Chair of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgical Sciences, Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago, New Zealand
● Prof. dr. Sven Vanneste, Lab for Clinical and Integrative Neuroscience | Global Brain Health Institute & Trinity College Institute for Neuroscience | Trinity College Dublin | Ireland | School for Behavioral & Brain Sciences | University of Texas at Dallas, | Honorary Professor | School of Medicine | University of Otago| New Zealand
twitter: @VannesteS | Facebook:@LabCLint
Co-Founder Brai3n Clinic
● Jan Ost, Neuro-Diagnostic Technician, Brain Research consortium for Advanced, International, Interdisciplinary & innovative Neuromodulation, Belgium, The Netherlands, USA, New Zealand, South Korea, Dublin
● Professor. dr. ir. Christos Strydis, Section Computer Engineering, Delft University of Technology & Department of Neuroscience, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
● Prof. dr. Chris de Zeeuw, Prof. dr. Bas Koekkoek, .Prof. dr. ir. Christos Strydis Dept. Neuroscience, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands:
● Prof. dr. F.E. (Freek) Hoebeek, Laboratory of Neuroimmunology and Developmental Origins of Disease (NIDOD). Utrecht Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands
● dr. Erik Kelder, Nano-Structured Materials group, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
● Prof. dr. ir. Georgi Gaydadjiev, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Imperial College London, and Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
● drs. Joop van Gent, Language Technologist, CEO Irion Technologies, Rijen, The Netherlands
● drs. Nader Naderi, uro-oncologist, Avisina kliniek Amstelveen, The Netherlands
● Mr. Ron Woering, Independent Researcher in Epona Medical Technology, Baarn, The Netherlands
● Mr. Piotr Jorrit Breedveld, Independent IT and Network Consultant, Utrecht, The Netherlands